Common electrical faults and how to fix them
Here are some common electrical faults in the UK and how to rectify them before you have to call an electrician:
1. Tripped circuit breaker/fuse
This is one of the most common electrical faults in the UK, and is usually caused by overloading the circuit. If too many appliances are plugged into one circuit, the circuit breaker or fuse will trip to prevent the circuit from becoming overloaded.
To rectify this:
Identify which circuit breaker or fuse has tripped.
Unplug any unnecessary appliances from the circuit.
Reset the circuit breaker with everything disconnected.
Reconnect everything one by one if it trips again that reconnection is causing the issue.
Anything else is best investigated by an electrican then it’s time to get in touch.
2. Flickering lights
Flickering lights can be caused by a number of things, including:
A loose connection in the wiring
A faulty light switch or dimmer switch
A problem with the voltage supply
To rectify this:
If you are confident isolanting the supply then check all connections to the light switch and dimmer switch to make sure they are tight.
If the light switch or dimmer switch is faulty, replace it.
If the problem is with the voltage supply, you will need to call an electrician.
If you arent confident isolating the supply it would be best to get in touch with a local electrician.
3. Dead sockets
If a socket is dead, it means that there is no electricity flowing to it. This can be caused by a number of things, including:
A loose connection in the wiring
A faulty fuse or circuit breaker
A problem with the socket itself
To rectify this:
Check all connections to the socket to make sure they are tight. Only do this if your confient in isolating the supply.
If you can here a noise (crackle or buzz) then call a professional.
Check the fuse or circuit breaker that controls the socket to see if it has tripped.
If the fuse or circuit breaker has not tripped, and the connections are all tight, then the problem is likely with the socket itself. In this case, you will need to call an electrician.
4. Sparking sockets or plugs
If a socket or plug is sparking, it means that there is a loose connection. This can be a fire hazard, so it is important to rectify the problem immediately.
To rectify this:
Unplug the appliance from the socket.
Turn off the power to the circuit that controls the socket.
Check the connection between the socket and the wiring to make sure it is tight.
If the connection is tight, then the problem is likely with the plug itself. In this case, you will need to replace the plug.
5. Burning smell from electrical appliances
If you can smell burning coming from an electrical appliance, it is important to unplug the appliance immediately and isolate the supply. This could be a sign of a serious electrical fault, and there is a risk of fire. Call an Electrician immediately and if you can tur off the supply for that circuit.
To rectify this:
Unplug the appliance immediately.
Do not use the appliance again until it has been inspected by a qualified electrician.
If you are unsure about how to rectify any of these electrical faults, it is always best to call an electrician. Electricians are trained to safely identify and repair electrical faults.